Summer Reading for Tennis Fans

This Memorial Day weekend marks the start of summer, which for me is the start of the outdoor tennis tournament season. Whether you are waiting between your junior tennis star’s tournament matches or by the beach, the following are two summer reading recommendations for tennis fans, parents, coaches and players.

The Tennis Parent’s Bible: Second Edition
by Frank Giampaolo

Although the $39.95 price is somewhat hefty, so is the book! This book provides 494 pages of powerful insight into strategically channeling your inner tiger parent to advance your junior tennis star’s competitive tennis career. For both parents and coaches. C’mon, admit it, we all are reading this book!

Love Game: A History of Tennis from Victorian Pastime to Global Phenomenon
by Elizabeth Wilson

This book is on top of my bedside book pile. Per reviews, it intriguingly recites the history of tennis from the corset-wearing tennis elite set (a/k/a Lucy Honeychurch from my last post) to the McEnroe racquet smashing era to today’s celebrity tennis. I can’t wait to start reading it!

Feel free to email me with your comments or reflections on the above, or any tennis-related book recommendations for summer reading. and I will gather them on this website! And whether you read by tennis court, pool or beach, don’t forget your sunscreen!
